Rachel Chu
last human standing


I contribute to Solayer Labs: hardware-accelerated SVM Layer 1 ($400M total value locked, backed by Polychain and Binance Labs)

blazing fast, zero latency

Previously, I was the core contributor at Sushiswap, a decentralized trading protocol ($6.5B total value locked, $985.24b in trading vol)

that was fair-launched in September 2020, led product and go to market.

venture scout a Sequoia Capital US.

studied at UC Berkeley initially in school of electrical engineering. couldn't keep it up, transitioned to computer science. couldn't keep it up and

dropped out through Thiel Fellowship. Studied briefly at Stanford University for CS. couldn't keep it up. I was working.



Don't contact me

im writing WIP. Not much anyways.

0 x rachelchu (at) gmail (dot) com



© 2001 - 2025 Rachel Chu